Fire Protection
TECHNOLOGYFire Protection Technology
Fire Protection Technology
Degree & Certificate Options
The Fire Protection Technology curriculum is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills in the technical, managerial, and leadership areas necessary for advancement within the fire protection community.
A.A.S.: Emphasis in Fire Protection Administration (Transfer Option)
A.A.S.: Emphasis in Fire Protection Administration (Non-Transfer Option)
Certificate: Emphasis in Command
Certificate: Emphasis in Management
Certificate: Emphasis in Operations
Certificate: Emphasis in Supervision
Course work includes diverse fire protection subject areas, including fire prevention and safety, public education, building construction, fire ground strategies and tactics, and local government finance and laws, as they apply to emergency services management. Emphasis includes understanding fire characteristics and the structural consequences of fire; risk assessment and management; and relevant research, communications and leadership methodologies.
Employment opportunities exist with fire departments, governmental agencies, industrial firms, insurance rating organizations and educational organizations.
What It’s About
Courses You’ll Take
What You’ll Gain
Program Credit
Hours: 69-70
Format: Online
Time to Complete: 2 Years
Start Term: Fall
Online courses are completed through an online platform (i.e., Moodle, Cengage, etc.) at a time of your choosing within course deadlines.
Starting Salary
$23,960-28,030/year ($11.68-13.96/hour) *Salary information provided by O*Net Online
69-70 Credit Hours: $5,244-5,320
Student Fees: $386.25
Learn About Financial Aid
In-Person Offerings
Students will be required to have access to a computer with internet, word processing, Power Point (or viewer).
Possible Careers
Firefighter | Fire Engineer | Fire Equipment Operator | Fire Rescue Technician | Fire Technician | Educator
Upon successful completion of this program, the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate effective and professional communication skills in a variety of emergency situations.
- Apply critical thinking to risk assessments and leadership methodologies.
- Apply local government finance and laws to emergency services management.