Early childhood wooden building blocks with colorful letters on them.

Early Childhood


Early Childhood Education

Early childhood instructor demonstrates children's toys

Early Childhood Education

Degree, Diploma & Certificate Options

The Early Childhood Education curriculum prepares individuals to work with children from birth through eight in diverse learning environments.

A.A.S.: Career Track

A.A.S.: Licensure Transfer

A.A.S.: Non-Licensure Transfer


Certificate: Emphasis in Administration

Certificate: Emphasis in Early Childhood Preschool

Certificate: Emphasis in Infant/Toddler Care

Info Request


What It’s About

The Early Childhood Education curriculum prepares individuals to work with children from birth through eight in diverse learning environments. Students will combine learned theories with practice in actual settings with young children under the supervision of qualified teachers.


Courses You’ll Take

Course work includes child growth and development; physical/nutritional needs of children; care and guidance of children; and communication skills with parents and children. Students will foster the cognitive/language, physical/motor, social/emotional, and creative development of young children.


What You’ll Gain

Graduates are prepared to plan and implement developmentally appropriate programs in early childhood settings. Employment opportunities include child development and childcare programs, preschools, public and private schools, recreational centers, Head Start Programs, and school-age programs.


Program Credit
Hours: 65-71

Format: Online (except for internships)

Time to Complete: 2 Years

Start Term: Fall

Online courses are completed through an online platform (i.e., Moodle, Cengage, etc.) at a time of your choosing within course deadlines.

All course requirements with the exception of required classroom observations/internships at a child development center or elementary school can be completed online for the diploma and A.A.S options. The certificate option can be completed entirely online.


Starting Salary

$22,290-27,310/year ($10.72-13.13/hour) *Salary information provided by O*Net Online

65-71 Credit Hours: $4,940-$5,396
Student Fees
: $386.25

Learn About Financial Aid

In-Person Offerings



Students will be required to have access to a computer with word processing.

The Early Childhood Education program is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children through 2027.

NAEYC, 1313 L St. N.W. Suite 500, Washington. DC 20005 202.232.8777 | 800.424.2460,

Possible Careers

Childcare Teacher | Family Childcare Provider | Child Development Specialist | Preschool Teacher | Exceptional Children Assistant | Before and After School Counselor | Instructional Assistant



Upon successful completion of this program, the graduate should possess the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to:

  • Promote child development and learning
  • Build family and community relationships
  • Observe, document and assess to support young children and families
  • Use developmentally effective strategies
  • Use content knowledge to build meaningful curriculum
  • Demonstrate professionalism
smiling red headed lady in black shirt



Enrollment Specialist
